App Software Ltd Logo This is the logo of App Software Ltd, representing the software development and consulting services of Gareth Brown.

Gareth Brown - Contract Software Engineer & Solution Architect

Full Stack Web / C# / .NET Specialist

Websites | Web Apps | Mobile Apps | APIs | Databases | Automation | IoT | Cloud | AI | DevOps | Software Architecture

To discuss your software project email [email protected] or call on +44 (0)7730 590785

You can view / download my CV here: PDF MS Word

Public Profiles


Recent Clients

UKSBS IMImobile Zircon Software Dyson

App Software Ltd is the software development company through which I deliver my software development and architecture consulting services.

I live on the Somerset / Wiltshire border in the UK and am available for projects nationally and internationally.

I am a senior full-stack software engineer available for hire, with 15+ years of experience specializing in .NET ecosystem and AWS cloud solutions. I have a proven history of successfully delivering complex public sector and enterprise projects, with particular expertise in:

  • Software and solution architecture
  • C# / .NET / ASP.NET / JavaScript / Web UIs / Database Design
  • Cloud-native technologies and services (AWS, Docker, Containerization)
  • Authentication / authorization systems (Okta, Azure AD)
  • High-performance database and messaging solutions
  • Technical leadership

"Gareth rapidly understood the ecosystem and helped us get back on track to smoothly extend and modernise the existing .NET based systems to enable a move into new global markets. At the same time he brought his expertise creating the foundation for the system to grow beyond the initially designed program."

John Lamazares, Development Manager, Dyson
Gareth Brown - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (ASP.NET) App Software Ltd - Cyber Essentials Certified
Gareth Brown - Contract Software Engineer .NET C# Web Application Specialist